


Learn why FEMA Chose Federal GovCloud DevSecOps to Modernize & Migrate Their Applications

Discover why FEMA chose TechTrend's Federal GovCloud DevSecOps (FGC DSO) for this modernization project.

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Over the last two decades, TechTrend has worked with various government agencies and organizations to design, develop, and deploy their applications. The Federal Emergency Management Administration’s (FEMA) mission is to help people before, during and after disasters, and their guiding principles help them achieve it.  FEMA needed a Software as a Service (SaaS) that provided development, security, and operations for their Community Information Systems (CIS) Modernization project.  Discover why FEMA chose TechTrend’s Federal GovCloud DevSecOps (FGC DSO) for this modernization project.

FEMA CIS Project Overview

FEMA has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Office of Enterprise Application Services (USDA EAS) to migrate and modernize their CIS web application. FEMA CIS web application needed to:

  • Enable continuous integration  and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines;
  • Enhance development pipeline security and quality;
  • Facilitate CI/CD orchestration;
  • Streamline software development lifecycle;
  • Share 20% of all source code publicly in order to meet mandates by the Office Management and Budget (OMB) and the Federal Source Code Policy; and,
  • Streamline the Authority to Operate (ATO) process for this and other applications.

FEMA CIS Project Goals

FEMA CIS project has set the following goals for their FGC DSO CI/CD pipeline implementation:

  • Simplify and shorten their development and release process via automation;
  • Improve their security, compliance, and governance processes;
  • Secure code collaboration and continuous code review throughout all phases of the agile software development process;
  • Centralized code repository accessible via the web with detailed analytics, integrated via web services application program interface (API) to provide usage, and other key project metrics; and,
  • Distributed Revision Control to enable multiple software developers to work on the same code base without sharing a common network and across partner agencies.

FEMA CIS Project Results

In three short days, TechTrend has deployed FEMA’s

  • Fully managed single-tenant SaaS instance of FGC DSO;
  • A dedicated and integrated instance of GitHub Enterprise;
  • 25+ integrated and automated baseline tools;
  • FedRAMP moderate controls which streamline the ATO process;
  • An automated CI/CD pipeline across multiple government partner agencies;
  • Meet federal compliance and security controls; and,
  • Dedicated help desk and training.

FEMA developers are in the process of developing their CIS web application code. Once the developers finish their code they will push it to a testing environment and ultimately into their production environment. TechTrend looks forward to seeing the continued FEMA-CIS application migration and modernization efforts using their Federal GovCloud DevSecOps solution.